A poorly integrated patchwork of systems is a common problem for Media businesses.

But you can’t compete in today’s multi-platform, cross-channel world using a mishmash of legacy systems that don’t work together seamlessly.

So you need one hub to centralize your ad tech.

With a central hub, you get accelerated ad sales, streamlined ad ops and centralized data. 

In this blog we’ll delve deeper into why a central hub is such a game-changer for Media businesses when it comes to ad booking success.

Combine your CRM and OMS for optimum control

A smart OMS will act as the master system of record for all your ads and media.

And once you’ve integrated your CRM with your downstream processes, including ad ops, ad management and ad inventory, you’ll have a real-time view of your customers and ads.

So by taking your CRM’s data and analytics, and combining it with Media-specific Order Management and fulfillment, you get ultimate control over your ad ecosystem.

Having your entire ad sales lifecycle under one roof means you can easily track orders, centralize sales for productivity and eliminate errors.

You’ll also have everything you need to meet next-generation advertising needs – including multi-platform cross-Media sales.

A central hub to streamline your ad booking process

A central hub means you can simplify your ad booking process from proposal to billing.

You don’t have to worry about manual processes and error-prone data from switching between different systems and spreadsheets. 

A study by DiscoverOrg found that sales and marketing departments lose approximately 550 hours and as much as $32,000 per sales rep from using bad data.

So instead, you can streamline your workflows and minimize errors with guided user journeys, automation and seamless integrations with your other favorite systems. 

You get to see all your customer data, products, sales, campaigns and revenue in one place with built-in reporting and analytics. 

So your teams can work faster and smarter to bill more of what you book.


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One hub for simple in-flight changes

Whether it’s altering quantities, tweaking parameters or changing dates to meet impression counts, your sales planners need to be able to make changes quickly and efficiently. 

An integrated OMS means you can easily make in-flight changes to your campaigns. 

Your centralized ad hub will push this data seamlessly to your ad server in real-time so you can guarantee inventory availability, with accurate data for billing and adjustments.

So you’ll always have visibility and control over your campaigns.

Using a single hub, Newsday can easily retract lines, change dates and alter quantities directly from Salesforce to Google Ad Manager, giving them full control over the whole process.


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A central hub for a digital ecosystem

The Media landscape is so fragmented with customers demanding cross-Media ad booking capabilities. 

So Media businesses need to find new ways to stay relevant. 

This means making digital a priority.

You need to be able to accurately deliver and measure ad reach and engagement across every channel.

But to book, publish and track all digital advertising functions you need the right technology. 

With a single hub, you have everything in one place so you can find things quickly, add and change products, complete digital approvals and analyze real-time reports. 

You get to capture all your data in one place for print, digital and broadcast Media. 

To handle even the most complex cross-media combinations look for a platform that lets you create cross-Media campaigns using the likes of keyword and audience targeting through one opportunity in your CRM. 

You should also prioritize platforms that offer a Product Catalog with quick access to the Media product lines your customers need – as well as visibility and control over every booking in your CRM.

A single, centralized cloud-based ad platform

By bringing your entire ad stack together, you can maximize the value of every campaign.

But you need a single platform that seamlessly integrates with all your chosen systems perfectly to fulfill the entire ad sales cycle.

A flexible OMS, that combines with your CRM and integrates seamlessly into your ad tech, is the smartest way to meet the demands of both today and tomorrow’s Media market.

From seamless ad booking and easy in-flight changes, to accurate data and full control of your campaigns – a central hub will lead your business to ad booking success. 

For more strategies for Media success, plus the technology you need to deliver them, check out our free Modern Media Executive's handbook.

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